Relationship Crisis?
Feeling like your partner does not feel/see/hear you well enough? You have tried all the tactics from the magazines and executed all the pieces of advice from your dear friends but none of it seems to work at your home? Do you feel like you need a different perspective to look at your relationship to see what really matters and what deserves your attention? Do you feel stuck in misunderstandings and small everyday issues? Do you have the idea that You can´t say anything anymore because your partner will take it as either an attack, blame or reproach?
And marital counselling might scare you?
Relationship Mediation!
If the answer is yes to any of those questions, I have something for you. I will be glad to accompany you and your partner in a guided partner mediation. Guided by me, of course.😊
I am a lawyer by education, passionate about my profession which is life coaching (1000+ hours of experience) and big enthusiast about mediation – an alternative way to resolve disputes (quarrels, conflicts, misunderstandings).
I am an expert in thorough listening, asking the right questions at the right time, and I will encourage you to find solutions that best fit your needs and those of your relationship.
At this time I am preparing for the couple´s therapy training lead by the reknown Czech couple therapists Mr. Rataj and Mr. Vojtko, and I am looking for 4-5 couples willing to change „something“ about their relationship for better to join me on that journey.
Is that something for you and would you like to know more? Don´t hesitate to contact me:, +420 604 301 541. And, yes, I work online, too.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
